Monday, January 31, 2011
how do you say???
i was double checking some spelling and found this word:
Nonversation.. yeah it's pretty much what you think it might mean: (noun): conversation that seems meaningless or without logic. the example the dictionary gave was if you're at a bus stop and strike up a little chatter with someone while waiting.
to me, it's seems like now a days there's a lot more of that in your day to day lives without the bus stop scenario. i mean how often do we have really meaningful conversations throughout our days. personally, ther are a lot of times when i don't really feel i'm bringing much to the table so i just don't say anything. not that i can't ramble on. oh if you've ever received a voice message from me you'd agree...
i think the reason i like my sewn pieces so much is because when i look at the back stitching i feel like there's a secret conversation going on.
threads run parallel as if to be in agreement with a thought.
some thread dart diagonally.. they're changing the subject. bolder colors are obviously louder, more expressive. a passionate point is being made.
i mean who really knows what is going on back there...
i like that there aren't always things (i.e. images, text) to impress on your thought process. there usually aren't images to influence the viewer, to speculate if i have some hidden meaning behind the images i've chosen to put together.
hey maybe people don't even question why i've sewn certain images together. really, it's not anything super important happening here. in the end it could just be about fit?
it's not to say that's always the case. because many times the backside isn't a blank surface...
then i guess it can just be about the shapes?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
spontaneous fighting is allowed in hockey.. OR what can you do in a day?
pendant in a day pretty much kicked some serious butt. this time the instructor was prepared. so prepared in fact she brought orange juice and pastries for the class..w-o-w. she also had ten sheets of pnp (paste and peel) paper with design on it. typically i wouldn't be so inclined that have a design already for us however this is just supposed to be an eight hour class. as it was i didn't leave until six thirty! i wasn't even the last to leave, there were three people left with the instructor as i headed out the door. and that was with predetermined images!
i was pretty much planning on one rectangular piece however my generious teacher gave me a little extra. she was quite nice, gave me a silver chain at the end.. i guess she felt like i had been smiling and patient all day; apparently she liked me!
here to the left is the main rectangular piece. the pattern is a vintage thirties lace pattern. here is also the pnp paper after applied to the silver (eighteen gauge).
here are the two extra piece she gave me. now originally, i thought i would put the three pieces together, by linking them with a silver tube, which serves as the bail - or the part where the chain goes through. however after moving the pieces around i couldn't find a strong pattern that could link them; the larger piece and one of the smaller pieces were from the same lace pattern, but then the length wouldn't be balanced and two smaller pieces the smaller sizes where just a little different so then that didn't you see there were 'stumbling blocks' with my original design idea

which you know is apart of the process.. however, i have to say a bonus with the class is that everyone was very friendly supportive and creative on some level. i solicited some opinions about my design which did help me conclude the triptych idea wasn't going to work out. that is a-okay because in the end, if you recall i really only wanted to make one piece. i am pretty darn happy with my end results. keeping the larger piece separate and putting the two smaller pieces together as a panel totally works.
the silver pieces were oxidized with silver black which gives it that darker background. note, for clarification it looks like the top didn't adhere during the pnp step, that actually isn't true. that was part of the 'border' of the pattern.
also, the silver tube, or bail, is a tiny bit crooked; i know this but when the piece is on, hanging from the chain you can't tell. so no biggie for me. did you see how kick ass this is..
piece two, the panel, again the thirties lace pattern is on the right and a japanese flower design is on the left. in retrospect, i wish i had chosen a stronger image for the left panel. i wish the line detail was a little heavier. i really like the contrast. again, this piece was oxidized. there is a little piece of schmutzle on the lower portion of the japanese flower side.when you are sautering the bail to the piece, you put flux on both sides to the piece, unfortunately sometimes with the flux and the heat, the piece can stick to the 'brick', leaving little pieces on your work. i tried to get this off when soaking in the pickle bath however, this tiny bit wouldn't budge!
oh well, play through. i know i still have a little sanding to do. and i will now that i have more time.
in the end i'm quite happy with both of these little delights.
that's what i can do in a day. oh and as a weird little bonus, you can take whatever pieces are in the throw away bins... these are brass and i'm not sure i would use them to make something wearable but they could be added to something like say a shadow box.... hmmm who knows what's in store for these two.
today we are attending the cheesey smack down. mc61 is taking the creative helm here. i'll be sure to keep you posted. ...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
be sure to finish what you start...
this yarn is really quite vibrant.. however every time i tried to capture that, no luck.
this is one of the better ones. .
..and just a stitch guage.
oh boy, what to make out of this? arm warmers? a hat?
oh here's the backside of devil woman. (or in subtraction terms eight minus five equals three) the green and yellow threads were done yesterday before work. stitching is a nice way to start the morning. very calming. see results. you're on your way..
little thirteen.. anyone else thinking of depeche mode right now? this seemed like a good idea. sew the number but in reality i don't think it looks as crisp in person.
when in doubt cut it off. that's all i have to say on that subject, at least for now.
today i'm off to my 'pendant in a day' class. a little anxious, not sure what i'm making. design.. what? there was mention of learning photo etching however bringing a photo was not listed on the supply list. confused? a little... curious? a little of that too. i guess we'll see how that goes soon enough.
this is one of the better ones. .
..and just a stitch guage.
oh boy, what to make out of this? arm warmers? a hat?
little thirteen.. anyone else thinking of depeche mode right now? this seemed like a good idea. sew the number but in reality i don't think it looks as crisp in person.
when in doubt cut it off. that's all i have to say on that subject, at least for now.
today i'm off to my 'pendant in a day' class. a little anxious, not sure what i'm making. design.. what? there was mention of learning photo etching however bringing a photo was not listed on the supply list. confused? a little... curious? a little of that too. i guess we'll see how that goes soon enough.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
pesto chango
caught a quick glimpse of a food network show, arti's party. she was making a pretzel crusted something or other, flank steak? anywho, she made kale with white beans and quick pesto.... Yum and i've never even had kale before.
naturally, off to the store i went... here is my pesto: (not exact measurements)
1/2 a bunch of cilantro.
1 medium, juicy as all heck, lime
1/4 c. almonds - yeah i know the ones that don't have skin are really nice but that's not what my pantry had
a few pine nuts, maybe like 1 tablespoons worth, or just shake in how many you like..
a little bit of yellow onion (which was really only like a tbsp worth and can be totally left out)
2 - 3 pieces of garlicolive oil (yeah evoo, whatever rachel ray)
viola, not bad for "winging it"especially since the fn website doesn't have the side dish recipe just the pretzel crusted meat..
next up is to make the kale portion, add the white beans to the kale and then when it's ready, pour the cilantro pesto over it.
if you are wondering i'm not making the meat portion. instead i cooked up some chicken because i plan on making two different chicken options for lunners (lunch and/or dinner).
sunday i made a plain jane square, white yarn, stockinette all the way. i pretty much did the whole thing while watching football. not if that's not impressive i don't know what is..mc61 wasn't even home watching! crazy stuff going on o'er here that is fo'sure.
also mailed of three packages last week so this week i'm going to be checking in my girls.. perhaps they'll send or post a pic or two. can't wait to get this baby blanket under way!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
is that all there is.. then let's keep dancing
let's pick up the booze and have a ball! if that's all there is...
ahh peggy lee! if you don't know that song you should get to know that song. it's so right, right?
sometimes i feel like 'is this all there is?' is this it? and then you know david byrne comes crashing in 'my god, how did i get here?' maybe it's the pnw winter but my routine could use some sprucing up. seems like lately it's just work. home. i sort of get why folks have kids, it keeps them social. it keeps them busy. otherwise you work and come home and what, make dinner, do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry, work on projects.
sure, sure i can go out have drinks, see shows but i'm not that young. i've done that. i did that in chicago. i did that in seattle. i was doing that in portland. however, i feel like i want to be doing other things. why, i've only been out to mt hood once since i've been here. where's the adventure of exploring a new place. gotta get on that this year. ha, there's a resolution!

so what's my point, oh yes, i went to the mall! w-o-w. i did some research before going though. i looked up which stores were there, went to their websites and looked at what they were selling. i needed something that was completely dress without being dressy. because i want to bum around in it after this one thing tomorrow night. i went to nordstrom's and the loft. i like ann taylor's the loft. naturally, items were on sale and yes, i still managed to spend more than i have in probably the entire year last year on clothes in a matter of hours. don't ask, don't tell. i did got two bitchen knitted short sleeved sweaters. i am convinced i could make both. so i will chalk those purchases up to pattern research! (that makes me feel better already)
i knew that hand would come in... handy!
well, that is my rant for the evening. perhaps i'll post some juicy photos of me out on the town, living it up... like someone else i've been following...
but then again, don't hold yer breath.
Monday, January 10, 2011
dasher, dancer, prancer, VIXEN??
well hello my lil' spit fire! i sewed this yesterday. it was my fun-a-day project. it's hard to really see but i used some sparkly pink thread on the corset. i like the way it turned out.
speaking of results, i gotta give the mc61 some BIG KUDOS.. he finished a garter stitch knitted square, which will go towards the baby blanket we're knitting. i think it looks amazing! he also learned how to bring in and knit with a second color. very impressive indeed.
knitted square,
subtraction cards,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
projects started. projects completed. projects eaten?
was working on a secret project. a holiday present for friends. finished in time, of course. my very own stitched version of home sweet home. i'm pretty darn please with the way it came out. there were some moments that i wasn't sure if i would like it, especially the letters. in the end it gets a thumbs up. the MFs seem to like it so that's nice.
do you see that bacon top? yeah. there was so much bacon in this mother, it made up for the fact that the crust got well, crusty.
for starts, i'm working on simple knitted squares, which as mentioned before will be part of a baby blanket. i'm still learning but i wanted to do more than garter stitches or stockinette... so here are my broken slip stitch and moss stitch. the best part about the moss stitch is that i screwed up my row counting and made a big mistake. twice. however, it looks like it's supposed to be that way. funny how that works out!
i completed this. remember my aquarella? well here she is.. k2, p2. basic ribbing. some lucky friend will be receiving this in the mail so surprise, surprise.
pretty amazing. i think i'll make some more for other friends with homes... hmm. if i get started now everything will definitely be done by the holidays... maybe even birthdays or anniversaries? okay, note to self get on that! (ha)
as ya know i love making the quiches. i've started using sweet potatoes with the broccoli...the first time the sweet p's were on the bottom, which is a good idea. and some on the top, which wasn't such a good idea.
when i made it the second time, i did a longer pre-cook with the sweet p's. then put more broccoli on the bottom...added asiago cheese and viola, a better quiche!
and mc61 loves the bacon so this time he got a bacon BACON and cream cheese quiche. holy smokes, doesn't that look gouda!?
for starts, i'm working on simple knitted squares, which as mentioned before will be part of a baby blanket. i'm still learning but i wanted to do more than garter stitches or stockinette... so here are my broken slip stitch and moss stitch. the best part about the moss stitch is that i screwed up my row counting and made a big mistake. twice. however, it looks like it's supposed to be that way. funny how that works out!
i completed this. remember my aquarella? well here she is.. k2, p2. basic ribbing. some lucky friend will be receiving this in the mail so surprise, surprise.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
the resolution will not be televised.. err, i mean...
yeah yeah i know what the real line is but it is the new year after all and resolution seems to be the word de jour as jan one approaches and a few days follow... it's interesting when the new year turns, there's always time of reflection and planning.
this year i found it interesting that many people were expressing hope that two thousand and eleven would be better than the past year. was it bad? i mean horrible? i'm not sure if it totally was. i mean, i'm here still. being alive is a positive thing, yes! i'm whether or not i'm "in love" with my job is not quite the issue. feeling lucky that i have a job and didn't have to worry about losing it or finding another for me does add to a year not sucking. also, finding a more affordable place to live was a bonus for mc61 and me. it got us talking about future goals, like buying a car or even a house, gasp! not to mention those two things made opportunities for us to celebrate life with our friends and it sharing a pint, a good meal or helping pad the wallet. giving doesn't feel like a sucking year thing either.
perhaps some people were referring to a bigger, broader hope, one for our country?! that is a little too big for me at the moment so i choose how much not to get involved. there are times, agreed, it's too depressing, frustrating and maybe a little abstract?! so let's not go there... resolutions? i might have some but i don't gotta share'em... instead i will participate in the fun-a-day = yes, yes, yes!!! quite simply pick a project and do it every day in january. i can hardly just pick one... today i went and bought some books.. technically two but really three. i picked up franklin and eleanor an extraordinary marriage. yes, yes it's about fdr and eleanor. the second (and third) was inspired by the recent news of mr. twain being re-scripted by an alabama professor (publishing firm. doing the dirty work) i bought tom sawyer and huckleberry finn. when i was listening to npr i remembered the huckleberry finn book that was in my brother's room on his bookshelf... where that copy is now? does he has it still? should i call and ask him for it? do my folks have it? ..oh and how weird that during sunday's quizzy one of the questions asked which one came first, ts or hf... this news hadn't come out yet. i feel these two instances proved i needed to have that in my collection. not to mention do some re-reads! so reading can be my fun a day but extend several days..who am i kidding it will take me to the end of the month.
however, that won't be the only thing i work on. knitting projects have already started. more to come on that. oh my "other project" is getting out of bed earlier, like back to a normal time for me. getting up and moving around whether it's stretching moves or going for a walk. i gotta stop wanting to stay underneath the warm covers! sheesh already!
stay tuned for more progress reports
n' pics
chair outside the current, but soon to be old, dali museum, st petes, fl.
stained glass, tampa, fl.
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