Thursday, April 14, 2011

roll the dice and see what you get..

ahh another rainy day in portlandia! after dragging my sorry butt out of bed, blowing my nose, sneezing my face off until it hurts. ... i've decided to embrace the lovely rain.

oh yes, a jedi mind trick... reverse psychology. 
i LOVE rain!

another good class last night. i've done 4 hole stab books before however, i've never done the tortoise.
              ooh, ahh.

i'd say for a first time "stab" at it, i did alright.

it's funny you totally forget how making these books is easy and accessible. i mean, it can be just a little paper and thread. makes a good gift. of course, it could be fancier with more decorative paper or a design patterned on the pages.

from right to left: the tortoise stab binding. the four hole stab binding. a five hole pamphlet, a four hole pamphlet and a three hole pamphlet.
note to self i should make more of these and send them to friends.

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