i finished my winter scarf, a/k/a the cable scarf. yup finally got motivated and just got'er done!
i haven't quite finished doctoring up my blanket stitched book. or worked on any stitched cards, birthday or other.
it's not so much about doing a million projects at once, it's really about doing projects. right? i've been more active lately but yet i feel lazy. i have more energy but yet i feel drained at the end of the day.
i have been getting great night sleeps though!
in the news today,a four year old was having a show at a new york gallery. it wasn't her first show mind you. that was when she was twenty or so months old (so almost two) in australia and hong kong. it definitely raises all the usual questions. is it really her work? could she be that talented?
i'm not so shocked that her work seems real. to me that actually makes sense. she's a child, she hasn't learned to be purposeful. she has no boundaries.
many, many years ago i was fortunate to see a william de kooning show at the walker art center. in this show were never seen before works that he did at the end of his life when he had alzheimer's. the reviews for these pieces in particular were over-whelming. he later works had become very streamlined. less chaotic and smooth on some levels. they consisted of minimal colors, red, blue and yellow. there were beautiful.
to me, i always wonder, if he had alzheimer's did part of him forget all the things he had learned about painting i.e. techniques, structure, etc. leaving him to be painting more "like a child"... more free. that's why i don't necessarily have any issues with a young "artist" especially when the child is surrounded by artist parents and creativity.
what i do take issue with is when i looked up the mother, who is listed as a photographer, i didn't really find any of her work. i saw pictures of her. but not of her work. i see from her website she is her daughter's manager.. so i guess she doesn't
this is one of the posts that took a long time to post.