Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ew me eyes...

on my way to work i saw a crow picking at a dead cat. absolutely gross. it was in the middle of the street.. the crow barely moved as i rode my bike closer. the cat was all soggy from the rain we've been having. it made me sad. i felt bad for the person that lost their cat and now it's gone. and that made me sadder.
but i can't really do anything about that...except try to get that image out of my head. so i'm posting this fun shot of the turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy from the deli counter at the grocery store. i admit, i'm a little obsessed with how perfect the scoop of potatoes are and how glossy the gravy is...i sneak peaks almost every time i'm in the store. and how can i not, look at that... it's flawless and creepy, all at the same time.

on a side note, things that are not creepy but pretty in their own way, i see this on the telephone pole near my office. apparently someone else appreciates this as well because they've been trying to rip it off the pole for a while now. thanks to the rain i was able to finish the job... yeah for me, to bad for that other guy!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

sometimes it is the small things...

i love cheap thread. there's a market near where i work and i've been eying this lovely sewing kit set. for a mere $4.59 not only can i have 22 different spools of thread, i can also have a pair of scissors, measuring tape, a packet of 20 - 30 assorted needles and a plastic red thimble. wow! say it with me, wow - same forwards, as backwards... it really is the small stuff sometimes that can bring a smile to your face.
and not only was i happy buying said sewing kit, the owner was happy too. so happy she gave me a pair of ankle socks...and look at those! 100% nylon with fuchsia pink cherries! w-o-w... again!

if that doesn't make your afternoon, i don't know what will.
speaking of other things that can make you happy... spotting this car parked outside where we live. immediately mc61 and i thought about a movie some friends in denver had us watch, searching for the wrong eyed jesus. not a bad flick by any means. interesting scenery and people that is for sure. awesome music! i'm sure we'll get soundtrack one of these power, the handsome family, 16 horsepower, johnny dowd anywho...

although you can't quite make out too much, i really like the reflection on the hood of the car...

full of grace!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

rainy days and mondays always make me... craft?

wish i could share a lot of pics of what i've been tackling but status still equals works in progress... so here's a taste.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

oh the places you will go...

oh mr. boo... he's been crazy affectionate lately. i mean really taking to climbing onto my chest and letting me hold him like a little baby? what gives. and then perching on my shoulder... i was trying to sew you  know! what am i saying, i love it!!!
celebrated our 2nd year anniversary. didn't get cotton. got sushi! masu SW 13th near Stark. in a word yummy. first cocktails: me: mojito. perfectly sprinkled with mint pieces and not too sugary. him: vodka martini that had cilantro, pepper, lime, honey infusions. wow! it was the most smooth thing i've had in a long time. you literally could taste each flavor. second eats: sashimi toro and sashimi hamachi... these were no think slices. they're were like 8 pieces to each order and what seemed to be 1/4" thick! unbelievable. then one rajin' cajun roll (description above). who know you could actually eat sushi and get stuffed. i mean, stuffed that lasts more than 3 hours!!! i recommend masu. i loved the decor and the staff/service was great. although i will "warn" you, our dinner was about a $100. so if you aren't looking to spend that much on what we had than perhaps save this for a special occasion. 

a morning bike ride to work over the steel bridge - what a treat. i love this bike route. i don't love it when it's congested but tuesday am it was pretty desolate. ahhhh... later that same day home to coat more glitter!!!! oooh sparkles. now back to my projects!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

more, more, da ya like it..

oh yeah!!! what can i say... these will be sparkling, golden goodies in no time at all. i can't wait.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what would you do for a klondike bar?

personally i wouldn't do anything for one. not a big fan. however, the gelato place across the street, well, i could go pretty nuts over there! last night MC61 brought me some mojitto flavored goodness. i was busy sewing. sewing away like a mad (wo)man! i did the orange piece, around 4 hours. i mean, i did take a few breaks...after all there has to be time to bring up the laundry, eat some din-din and refill the water glass. 
the front is looking tres cool too!  i'm looking forward to lying down some more stitches this eve.  originally i thought i was going to leave work early for an appointment which in turn would mean that i'd get home earlier but i messed up my dates. today is NOT the 13th. it's the 12th, d'oh. no harm, no fowl though. still plenty of time in the evenin' to get the lead out ..or in this case get the thread out.


get the thread out! oh i like that. i think that should be my new sticker..speaking of which. yes i did make this one, i had been thinking about Magritte's famous, this is not a pipe.... now maybe part of my french translation might be off... fawk it if it is. i don't think the meaning IS lost. besides it made a certain MC61 happy.  the main part is correct. however, i did find more than one way to write the tag line...
as they say c'est la vie :)

  magritte pipe

Monday, May 10, 2010

whatcha up to?

i've been up to being motivated or trying to keep myself motivated. this weekend i worked specifically on re-shooting some cards i made for the original team no hyphen (marchetti flynns to you)... so here for your viewing pleasure.... 
this first one was from way back in known the M Fs for 4 years now. i like it!
another birthday card for mr charlie....

 this was the front of another birthday card.. i love the way the leaf came out... let's take a closer look, shall we...

and then one for megan...seeing that she's a unicornist, having a bunch of unicorns gracing her birthday card only made sense. there's some good stuff in there... 


details from another birthday card..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

more of the map stitchwork...

one way street

sometimes  it's easy to find our way. signs lead the way. people show you how they would go, how they've gone...what's the easiest route. but sometimes being directionless can be the best way to get some where.... or not.

this was the back of a card i made for a good friend. someone that pops the earphones into your ear and says take a listen to this..a friend with no judgments towards me and always a big hug!
this is one of my favorite backs of a card. i love maps. it worked. and the front didn't look too shabby either.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

paint the mutha pink...

does anyone else remember when MTV had a "paint the mutha pink" contest? some lucky winner got to live in a pink house and meet john cougar melloncamp?? anywho, currently working on something for a friends bike race, dirty and pink. it's a special prize but it's pink,  reeeeal pink!

but that's not really the only thing i'm working on. of course, i'm sewing things too!

Monday, May 3, 2010

mexican movie posters...

ahh look at these women, what temptresses! what sirens calling all men. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

in the beginning...

i'm not one for words about pieces of artworks. or explaining in great details. i'm sewing cards. working on a special project. however, this is really where it all started. the polaroid transfer "quilt". transfers of photo images i'd taken. then i started to add actual photos. i was working on a couple different ideas when i started sewing this "quilt". eventually, i wanted to incorporate some targets that i had bought. 
however, when i was thinking about how i wanted this piece to end up looking, i didn't like where the target pieces were being put in or would be put in. so naturally, i got out my trusty seam riper and took it all apart. 
i never put it back the way i wanted. instead, i had a stack of transfers and started sewing on them. making cards for friends. viola! i sew paper.

the targets were part of a series too and a continual theme. women, body image and marketing. we are targets to what advertisers put out there for us to see. targets how women are depicted in advertisements, movies, even how we are viewed by our community of friends and strangers. 
this was around 2003. living in seattle. now 2010 living in portland. still interested in sewing on paper and thinking about being targeted.