i love cheap thread. there's a market near where i work and i've been eying this lovely sewing kit set. for a mere $4.59 not only can i have 22 different spools of thread, i can also have a pair of scissors, measuring tape, a packet of 20 - 30 assorted needles and a plastic red thimble. wow! say it with me, wow - same forwards, as backwards... it really is the small stuff sometimes that can bring a smile to your face.
and not only was i happy buying said sewing kit, the owner was happy too. so happy she gave me a pair of ankle socks...and look at those! 100% nylon with fuchsia pink cherries! w-o-w... again!
if that doesn't make your afternoon, i don't know what will.
speaking of other things that can make you happy... spotting this car parked outside where we live. immediately mc61 and i thought about a movie some friends in denver had us watch, searching for the wrong eyed jesus. not a bad flick by any means. interesting scenery and people that is for sure. awesome music! i'm sure we'll get soundtrack one of these days..cat power, the handsome family, 16 horsepower, johnny dowd anywho...
although you can't quite make out too much, i really like the reflection on the hood of the car...
full of grace!