Wednesday, May 12, 2010

what would you do for a klondike bar?

personally i wouldn't do anything for one. not a big fan. however, the gelato place across the street, well, i could go pretty nuts over there! last night MC61 brought me some mojitto flavored goodness. i was busy sewing. sewing away like a mad (wo)man! i did the orange piece, around 4 hours. i mean, i did take a few breaks...after all there has to be time to bring up the laundry, eat some din-din and refill the water glass. 
the front is looking tres cool too!  i'm looking forward to lying down some more stitches this eve.  originally i thought i was going to leave work early for an appointment which in turn would mean that i'd get home earlier but i messed up my dates. today is NOT the 13th. it's the 12th, d'oh. no harm, no fowl though. still plenty of time in the evenin' to get the lead out ..or in this case get the thread out.


get the thread out! oh i like that. i think that should be my new sticker..speaking of which. yes i did make this one, i had been thinking about Magritte's famous, this is not a pipe.... now maybe part of my french translation might be off... fawk it if it is. i don't think the meaning IS lost. besides it made a certain MC61 happy.  the main part is correct. however, i did find more than one way to write the tag line...
as they say c'est la vie :)

  magritte pipe