on my way to work i saw a crow picking at a dead cat. absolutely gross. it was in the middle of the street.. the crow barely moved as i rode my bike closer. the cat was all soggy from the rain we've been having. it made me sad. i felt bad for the person that lost their cat and now it's gone. and that made me sadder.
but i can't really do anything about that...except try to get that image out of my head. so i'm posting this fun shot of the turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy from the deli counter at the grocery store. i admit, i'm a little obsessed with how perfect the scoop of potatoes are and how glossy the gravy is...i sneak peaks almost every time i'm in the store. and how can i not, look at that... it's flawless
and creepy, all at the same time.

on a side note, things that are not creepy but pretty in their own way, i see this on the telephone pole near my office. apparently someone else appreciates this as well because they've been trying to rip it off the pole for a while now. thanks to the rain i was able to finish the job... yeah for me, to bad for that other guy!
you have been a busy bee!!!!!!!!!