when i lived in chicago i was all about walking, taking photos, went dancing every sunday night at the empty bottle for rick shaw's deadly dragon sound system. (sheesh it's been so long i can barely remember the name of it..) knew some pretty (er, famous) creative people and wore some of the best vintage little dresses, jackets and shirts. you know when goodwill and vintage stores were totally inexpensive and accessible! i also got my first tattoo in chicago.
then seattle: sadly ditched a lot of my cool vintage pieces and learned to love jeans and basic t-shirts again. i really started riding my bike so you know can't dress too fancy. went and saw great music shows. had a few small photo shows and sold pieces during the art walks and to three 'office' environments. plus my tattoos grew.
the other day i received an email calling out to all words... see i'm a word. i am a piece of shelley jackson's SKIN project. http://ineradicablestain.com/skin.html
not that i forgot but let's say it hasn't been as relevant lately? it's funny because receiving this email made me realize that my word had become like a favorite book on my bookshelf. i know it's there. i can see it. i can reference it at any time. i just don't necessarily think about it every day. or need it everyday. it was significant at one point but... ..when i submitted to become a word i talked about books and how by having a word on my skin i would be like a favorite book. my skin will fade and weather over time. disintegrate over time and eventually become part of the earth (well sort of, you get my drift). i talked about some other thing but that's not important right now..

i got an email...(ding, cue light bulb) oh yeah, i'm a word!
apparently ms. jackson is asking her words to video (their?), her words, even speak the word then post it to youtube where eventually the berkeley art museum will post a link for people to hear this piece. something to know about this particular piece is that the only people who have been able to read SKIN are the actual participants, the words! it hasn't been published!
if a lot of her words get their butts in gear this could be pretty significant. me, i'd love to hear everyone saying her words and hearing the story read.
there isn't much time for this whole thing to go off, words have to submit their words by monday! so needless to say over the next day or so i will be making a little video my word.
i would also love if when every word has been tattooed that all the words come together so we can be read in one day.
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