Sunday, September 12, 2010

mission accomplished...twice!!

sometimes having a deadline to get a project done is a good thing. the boundary is set and i know i must get this done by x day.
sometimes i want to take or talk about the fact that i want to sign up for a class but never quite do. saying that you want to sign up for something is just that, talk! ...paying the money, now that's where the commitment comes in..and for me its just the thing to keep me on track.
finally, i found a class.. "ring in a day" it said. okay. great. yes, i'd like to make a ring in a day. i love rings! i love jewelry. why not wear something that i made for once. i happy that i signed up. i'm happy that i went to the class. and yes, i'm happy with my ring. 
oh it has flaws. my rectangular shapes aren't even; the lines aren't parrallel to one another. my ring definitely could have used more time being filed then buffed and polished. however, ring in a day is a long day, especially when there are twelve other people vying for the instructors keen eye. 

i finished my contribution to the breast cancer research fundraiser...typically i give away a lot of work in a manilla envelop. so to see it yesterday in its double glassed frame was kinda exciting for me. it looked very "official".. clean and crisp. plus i was able to see who won my piece in the auction. as the unicornist pointed out, "it must feel pretty good to see that people were bidding on it and that people like your work". so true! 

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