day two of rummaging through sh*t. it was much harder today. even though i threw away lots of paper that's about it. i mean how do you get ride of your polaroid camera? or your casio exilim? i mean, so it broke immediate after you fixed it and remains broken. i could easily get it fixed again, right? what about my manual nikon? i mean these items must stay and move again.
but what are they other challenges... sweaters? t-shirts, i really don't even wear logo'd or design t-shirts but i want to keep them anyway. the orange west side invite with the skull made it's way back into our pack pile. anyway, no need to be boring. let's see what fun things i've stumbled across tonight...
since i'm a paper pack rat, naturally i have maps lying around. 7 tonight: city of seattle focusing on georgetown; ashland, oregon; part of two chicago maps: 1) the bus/train lines and 2) a map for cyclists. vancouver. montreal. ohio and new york city which boasts five maps in one, what a deal! need'em? don't need'em?
small books: the drinking man's diet and camp songs "n" things... i mean they're small. could fit into a small left over space in a box, right?
i did show good restraint though when i came across my random barbie collection. and these weren't nice, pristine ones. i bought a bag of used barbie's from the goodwill in seattle years ago. i got to choose the ones too. one of them actually has a white g-string painted on her. i also, had a little obsession of going to the red apple when i lived on beacon hill to see what "barbie" dolls they had. here is a sample of two of the native american type barbies i bought. how can you go wrong for $1.19? my favorite was the more latina barbie. glossy lips. blue eye shadowed big eyes. big hair with a braid wrapping around a pony tailed spout. magic! bought some deserts from the bakery up there, took macro shots of the cake goodies smeared on the dolls faces and in their hands. i'll have to post those one of these days.
random ground score from two girls to another. i think the "splish, splah. kiss our ass." is funny. the inside however, is not so nice.
and this lovely and quite literal hand puppet was made by emmit. he worked at the hollywood video store, near the red apple around the central district. he is still quite an amusing fella. first off the heal portion of his shoe soles were completely angled and worn down. obviously, not a flat or straight footed fella. his bottom lip did a weird thing. always made me think of bill murray from caddy shack. see didn't that make you smile a little? well, that's the effect emmit has on folks. my "personal stylist" also received a paper bag puppet from him. although hers was a clown. so on the front of the bag, was the front appearance of a clown. on the back it was the back of the clown however, he had a knife in his hand, which was behind his back. it was a little creepy but beautifully done. there is a back side to this hand puppet as well...

lastly, i found a bunch of beach glass. in addition to what is pictured here i found a box full of more beach glass! mc61 just laughed at me. above is a little homage to family: silver bowl given to me by my mom. the earring is a remnant from a pair she had. they were the screw / clip kind until i snapped that off so i could put a wire hook through and wear them that way. then inside the bowl is a ceramic thin "ashtray" that was my grandmothers. it's actually really pretty....