Thursday, July 1, 2010

whatcha lookin'at?

oh food in the deli case how you lure me in every time...yeah, yeah, we've seen the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy before.  but have you seen the bread pudding? at first it was just plain. but a few days later they dressed it up with strawberries and chocolate sauce. how fancy is that!
mc61 laughed at me because in the midst of all these people waiting to order food, i was just standing there waiting to snap pictures. i really wanted the lasagna however, could only get close to what looks like corn beef and sauerkraut. although it's not really unusual looking, i'm not sure i would order it. i wonder how dry and crunchy the bread would be when you got it.
last friday i found myself with a day off, wow! i barely knew what to do with my time. naturally, i went to pambiche for lunch because i never get to do that. after devouring the shrimp enchiladas i decided a real treat would be to get desert. carrot cake. yum! how could i resist with that cute carrot face staring at me? this was by far some of the best carrot cake i've ever had. there was a mango glaze circling the plate. and i think there was mango inside the cake as
well. so delicious.

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